
Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Dear Diary... Sunday 9th April 1989. The curse of Sicily.

...and I'm in Sicily!!!
It's what I wanted, it's what I've been looking forward to for so long.

 I knew there'd be problems  but I still had big expectations and now I just feel let down and pissed off and cross - very, very cross!

Because no-one speaks english? Nope, that's not the problem, his family are lovely
Because of THAT carcrash and a mouth like a balloon for three days? Nope, that's not the problem either.

The problem is Salvo.
Salvo, who forgot all his english the minute we landed at Catania.
Salvo, who leaves me in the house with his family while he disappears for hours at a time.
Salvo, who is currently out with his ex girlfriend after talking for hours on the phone.

And Phillipe. 
I don't like Philippe, he gives me the creeps.
And I don't like his driving either - or his car, which rattled and shuddered all the way to Catania, like a death trap on wheels.

Apparently,  I'm being ''unreasonable, crazy and insupportable.''
The word chauvanist pig comes to mind - among others....

But it hasn't all been bad - there have been some good times, like the second evening here, when we were alone together for the first time since arriving.
We went out and  got very drunk -  laughing, joking - he showed me Catania by night - and returned to see Mount Etna puffing out lava behind his village, which looked quite surreal with a spinning head.
And Taromina - beautiful, beautiful Taromina, with the crazy road, partying in the streets and  mountain sculptures.

But I'm worried.
He's different here, and he's not the Salvo I knew at Gatwick.

And there's a dark side to Catania.

1 comment:

  1. And in the interest of fairness, this is the reply - and other side of the story - I got from Disgruntled of Crawley/Sicily...

    Dear Diary ....... Wednesday 12th April 1989. .The beginning of the end

    A long holiday I need this. I can’t believe its been nearly 6 months since I left Sicily and now I’m back. I’ve missed my friends, oh so many friends and of course my family. I’ve brought a friend with me, a good friend I thought but oh god she is breaking my balls!!!!!

    At first it was fine, I took her to visit my beautiful country.. we have it all; spectacular scenery, good food and wine and glorious beaches all enveloped by the clear Mediterranean Sea. I have limited funds, what with paying for my brother’s accommodation back in England and that hefty dentist bill last week. So hanging out with friends is a good compromise, they ARE good people. Hell, I even went out of my way to find someone from England. But she was so rude to her.
    What is wrong with her?????
    The moods, man that sulky face and the ‘not talking’... is she 12.
    This was a mistake .... but she was so keen and so different in England. She was fun and friendly and even took me to meet her family in Wales. I thought she would understand the feeling of being home. She’s hard work - her thoughts, her feelings and her expectations are the only ones that matter.
    Could it be because she is left handed - I hear the world has been made for us ‘righties’
    Could it be she is a frustrated genius - being arty is such a curse
    Or could it be that she is just a selfish, self opinionated, immature child that needs to grow up.
    I’ve had enough, I’ve trawled around the travel agents but no-one can or is willing to change the air ticket. I’m stuck with her for another two weeks. Two weeks of this.
    Whatever she is I wish her well in her future.......But when we arrive at Gatwick we WILL be departing company.
